Saturday, August 22, 2009

Shameless self promotion

So....I got my business cards yesterday and am strategizing how best to wallpaper the city of Seattle with them to drum up some clients (schedule now, schedule my subliminal messaging?). My pal, Shannon, in San Francisco, did the graphic design of my cards and created the little "RF" logo. He is a rock star and did a fine job, dontcha think? He also did them in my favorite colors, blue & green...I'm digging them.

Front of card:

I've signed a one-year lease for the new practice space with my classmate (and now business partner, how wierd does that sound?), Monica, and paid my first/last month's rent, so I'm set to get things rolling Sept. 1.
Tatyana, ever a member of my support staff, scheduled an appointment with me for September 1, so I've officially scheduled a paying client in the new space on my first day! A journey of a thousand miles...and all that stuff.
Until September (and yeah, I do know that's about one more week, deep breath), I'm trying to get a few more of my ducks in a row, calm myself down from intermittent freak-outs (holy shit, I'm opening my own business!), and well...allowing myself to enjoy the end of the summer a bit. Since wrapping up work on Danskin and the Portland Century last weekend, I've been swimming in the lake and on my bike a good bit this past week and, although I've been up by 7 a.m. every day, none of the wake-ups were due to an alarm clock...that's been pretty sweet.
Today, Seujan and I did a really nice 40 mile bike ride from Log Boom to Marymoor, down W. Lake Sammamish to Newport, through Bellevue, and over Juanita. It was a nice, sunny ride and she was cycling pretty mellow and, mercifully, didn't flatten me. Later, we're going for dinner and to the Storm game...nice weekend and great that she doesn't have homework this weekend and we can both relax a bit!
(schedule now, schedule now, schedule now...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY Ruth!! The biz cards look fantastic. You'll be fantastic. Can't wait to see you rock 'n' roll in your new biz.