Monday, August 18, 2008



Languishing: becoming languid, in any way.


1. lacking in vigor or vitality; slack or slow: a languid manner.
2. lacking in spirit or interest; listless; indifferent.
3. drooping or flagging from weakness or fatigue; faint.

Yesterday Tatyana accused my blog of languishing(!). Ouch! My cousin, Liz, also sent me an email a couple of days ago to see what was up with my lack of bloggliness. Not to worry!! Although there has been an short absence of regular posting and my blog perhaps has been slightly faint lately, I myself am NOT drooping, listless, or lacking in spirit...This is despite the fact that the weather has been crappy the last day or 2 and that never makes me happy. And for godsake, the Seattleites who say they want a "respite" from real summer weather make me want to shake them! Are you KIDDING me? Anyway, the weather was crap yesterday and I actually dusted off my bike trainer and dragged myself through 50 minutes of pedalling in the Shoebox...I love that thing in the winter, but have NOT missed it while being outdoors the last 2 months, that's for sure. Fortunately, the sun is predicted to return by end of the week.

Let's see...catching up...I had another mountain biking lesson last week with the group which was a total blast, although they probably couldn't tell I was having fun...I had to completely focus and couldn't really multi-task enough to participate in the ongoing banter on the trail. I actually fell, too, which was kind of cool and made me feel like I might actually be able to call myself a "mountain biker" at some point soon. I must, however, find some mountain bike shorts pronto (or, as HH would say, "Stat!") so I look like less of a roadie on the trails...

This past weekend was mostly consumed with working on the Danskin triathlon...I was the bike course coordinator again this year and managed to herd up about 40 volunteers, including HH who got up at 4:00 a.m. (champ!) to support the efforts, and a big team of Cheryl's group who handled the start/finish area uber-efficiently under Nancy's bossiness. I think I put on at least 6 dropped chains on the Day St. hill and pulled up at least 4 cyclists who fell over...but overall, the triage was very minimal and the event was great as always. My BFF, Heather, did GREAT and Karin G. took 6th overall...way cool!

Despite the languishing blog, there are some other writing ideas in the works. HH and I had dinner with her pals, Michele & Jill, on Saturday night and had a lengthy conversation about writing a book about HH's life and antics (yours truly has a serious writing fantasy going for putting this one together). We're at the point of having a title for the book and several of the chapters...and then, of course, everyone picked who they wanted to play them when it becomes a movie and I was thinking about the songs for the soundtrack...HH is hell bent on buying an airstream "Basecamp" which would be the perfect accessory for a book-signing/adventure tour...and guess what, there's one that's a screaming deal on eBay...

T-minus 3 days until the next camping trip...whoop!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So happy to have you back in the blogosphere! When I see you next week remind me to tell you about going mountain biking with Joe the day before his wedding. (If you look real closely on some of the pictures you can see the road rash on my one knee!)
love ya. Liz+