Sunday, February 08, 2009

Feelin' cheesy

My butt is still broken, I've worked out less in the last 2 weeks than I have in years, and I don't want to talk about it (besides, everyone is tired of me talking about it by now I'm sure). Tatyana told me that backing off the training "opens up time for other things..." to which I replied, "But I don't WANT other things!" However...maybe...there are other things out there and slowing down COULD be (maybe, I'm not quite convinced and for godsake don't quote me) less than catastrophic. Hm.

So a cute girl in a striped dress swept me off my feet last night...she is 3 and my friend, Marci's, daughter, Maddy. I met her the first time a day after she was born 3 years ago and have seen her several times every few months since. Until recently, however, I basically admired her from afar and didn't think I hit her radar as anything with any appeal at all...I actually thought she didn't like me. About a month ago, I somehow made some kind of positive impression on her at a group dinner and Marci told me that she mentioned "Root" a few times since then. Last night, I went to Marci's 40th birthday party--which was a total blast--and Maddy and I really hit it off. I was beyond flattered that she hung out with me throughout the evening and informed me that they should come to my house to play Candyland sometime. She also insisted on emerging back out of her bed after her story was read to give me a hug and wish me good night. I will post some photos of my little pal as soon as Malia sends them along to me...the kid is about the sweetest thing ever and for some reason has taken a liking to me. I'll admit, I pretty much melted.

Either my new smitten-ness with Maddy --or PMS-- or something (did somebody slip me a super zoloft?)--is in the air because all afternoon today I've just been thinking about how many great people are around me and how much love is in my life. Malia was in town the last few days and it's always great to re-connect with friend, Erin, has recently become my carpool buddy for school saving me time and cash on commuting whenver I need it...and today after working for about 7 hours schlepping boxes on and off a truck at the "Love 'em or leave 'em Valentine's Day Dash," (where 2700 people paid money to run around Green Lake, wtf?) I felt pretty beat up and called my school buddy, Shannon to ask for an "SOS" massage. She had me come right over and land on her table immediately. Then there's my text message good-vibe sending friends in Colorado and Portland...and that's just the short roster of my cool human support staff and people who make my life pretty great and fun every day.

I refuse to believe that my current warm fuzzy moment is in any way related to the current lack of exercise-induced's kind of cool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! I got a shout out on your blog! :-) You just made my day, Root! Sending super-good vibes back to you.