Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Growing gills? learning curves in various parts of my life are still going upward... Starting with my hamstring/butt thing which is continuing to cause a good amount of pain and inconvenience. Yesterday in my anatomy class, I was taking notes about pain and the nervous system while sitting on my tennis ball yet again and constantly re-positioning. No irony there.

I went back to Dale, the trigger point/pain guru guy, last weekend and then made a decision to lay off almost everything that hurts for a while--including the elliptical machine and cycling. Of course, the laying off hurts emotionally/mentally almost as bad (ok, no, let's be's way more) as trying to work out on it hurts physically, but...I'm trying to be smart(er) and really try to get it healthy. And it appears I'm supposed to be learning something(s) here. This leaves me swimming, swimming, and occasionally walking for workouts. I don't love it, but at least I love swimming--and I can do kickboard workouts when the shoulders aren't in the mood. Someone (ok, I'll admit it, my kickass brilliant therapist) pointed out this week that my body is teaching me some things instead of me training IT...I'm trying to give myself a break, slow down a little, and face some demons. Yeah, it's a good time.

In the meantime, school is still really good and there are some new fun things and people to get to know. My new friend, Holly, just sent me my "Real Astrology" horoscope for this week and it's pretty right on:

"There's one supreme standard by which your progress in the coming weeks should be ultimately measured: Will you understand yourself better at the end of the adventures than you do at the beginning? A new privilege may come your way, or an honor that'll perk up your résumé, and maybe even a breakthrough that'll help dissolve your phobia of success. But they will only manifest a fraction of their potential unless you heed my updated version of Socrates' best soundbite: Know thyself -- or else."

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