Saturday, June 06, 2009

2/3 of a triathlete...

Until yesterday, Seattle had about a 2-week stretch of phenomenal sunny weather...I was LOVING it. On Wednesday, I declared "Carpe diem!" and skipped class to go for a bike ride...

The hamstring is still a bit problematic, but I've been back on the bike for a couple of weeks with a few 50ish mile rides...I figured hell, if it's going to bug me regardless, I may as well get out in the sun and do what I want to do. It's improving a bit and I'm hopeful that I'll be able to try running sometime soon. With the sun, it's been really nice to be back in my natural habitat and out on my bike...the good news is that I'm back out there riding, the bad news is that 50 mile rides have pretty well flattened me...seems those 45 minute workouts on the step mill at the gym helped, but didn't quite cut it and I lost a bit of fitness (how come consternation about losing fitness does not result in a training effect?? It's not like I wasn't willing this not to happen...). I keep trying not to, but continue to think that last year at this time, I'd already done a half ironman and was getting ready for the Lake Padden race...sigh. With the return of cycling to my repetoire, I'm just starting to almost feel like 2/3 of a triathlete...a hell of a lot better than 1/3, so I guess I'll take it.

Only 2 more weeks of school!! I'm in the home stretch and looking forward to being done and getting out there...I've scheduled my licensing exam for June 25 and graduation is on July 1...

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