Friday, May 29, 2009

Back in the lake!!

Seujan is doing Ironman Idaho in about 3 weeks...she ventured into Greenlake on Monday afternoon for her first open water training swim of the season. Being my conservative and usually cold self, I opted to (kinda) study for a test on the beach that day and watched carefully to see whether she froze... When she got out, she claimed that the water was quite comfy warm and her story was pretty believeable--there was another pod of wetsuited swimmers who hopped in about the time she did and none of them were shrieking...

Watching SJ's happy swim on Monday--and another 3 days of solid sunshine--was just what I needed to bust out my wetsuit (ok, and the neoprene socks and insulated cap) this morning for the first Friday morning swim of the season.

Whoo-hoo! I'm happy to report that Greenlake was, indeed, comfortable and the first swim of the year was GREAT! Ann, Barbara Rose, Seujan, and I had a great sunny early morning swim. I was in over 40 minutes and was NOT cold! I still prefer Lake Washington to Greenlake, but hey, I didn't get hit by any stray oars of the rowers and it was a lovely MAY morning...we're almost never open swimming in May and this weather rocks.
Bring on summer!!!

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