I'm getting ready to move back to the Shoebox after 10 days of dog sitting in West Seattle...although I think I've visited my apartment daily for clothes/gear/bike/etc., it seems like a long time since I've been there! It's been nice to be in a big house with cute dogs, a LOT of cable, and, well...having the housekeeper come on Friday didn't suck, either. But the back-and-forth running around can be a bit of a hassle and it will be good to go home.
Yesterday I biked to the finish of Seujan's 13 mile trail race up at Cougar Mountain (as in I biked UP Lakemont to the trailhead/finish line). I've been riding hills a lot lately, it seems, and yesterday was another great ride, despite the fact that I started with 2 shirts and arm warmers on...and in August that is really unacceptable. Seems somebody fast-forwarded the calendar from the blissful heatwave of we had going a week or so ago right through August and September and landed us in October. Um, can I please have some August back??? 60's, cloudy, blech...I don't love it.
Today I went for a swim at an indoor public pool in West Seattle...the weather was crappy again and I didn't feel like driving back and forth to Seattle to get in the lake, so I went to a lap swim. I haven't been in a pool in a few weeks now and I have to say I haven't missed it much. I got through 2,700 yards (a mile and a half), but it was boring, the water was way too hot and chlorine-ish, and I had to share a lane. Desperate times call for desparate measures and I was glad to have a pool option, but I really belong in the lake for another month or 2.
Later today Seujan and I have a date to go see the movie "Julie & Julia." I've been Jonesing to see it since the previews came out several weeks ago and, fortunately, Seujan has put aside her ambition to see the latest Harry Potter movie (zzzzz) to see this one with me. A friend of mine just posted this link on Facebook...a cool interview with Julia Child on NPR from 1989. Julia Child says that people are too afraid of cholesterol, fat, and food in general...I keep hearing that fat is not to be feared (including from one of my teachers at Cortiva, who is a naturopath) and, well, if Julia Child made it to a happy 91 years old, I might need to re-think my relationship with butter! TBD and movie review to follow...
If you use anything other than butter, you're basically eating yellow plastic. You gotta eat a little fat (and drink a bit of cabernet) to have an interesting life!
Good to see you're back blogging. I missed you!
Aunt Kathi
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