We came back to Seattle this week just in time for the biggest wind storm in a decade and the most rainfall in a single day...good thing we didn't stay in Tucson or we'd have really missed out, huh? Winter sucks, winter sucks, winter sucks. Leaving Tucson and the 70 degrees + sunshine was a big bummer.
The recovery week went well...I was a bit sore for a couple of days, but was able to run Tuesday, Thursday, and did a 10 miler today...got in 2 spins, 2 swims, and 2 lifts, too. We also threw in some culture this week and Seujan took me on a last minute date to see "The Nutcracker." It was really fun---the sets were outstanding---and we noted that it was actually fun to be at an event without a start/finish line or porto-potties (although, fortunately, there was a halftime so I could visit the water stop). Later today, we're continuing the festive/cultural trend and are joining some friends to see "The Black Nativity,"
(http://www.intiman.org/plays/n_about.html), which should be great.
After the last few races, I'm starting to think about when and where I want---wait, I don't "want," but need---to do a marathon. The target timeline is March or April so I have enough time to recover and start biking again before the summer races. I was thinking about doing the Whidbey Island marathon in mid-April, but after watching how hard the marathon training, race, and recovery is every time for Seujan, I think I want to just get on with it and get through it. Today 10 miles felt good, but it was plenty. I ran my Lake Union + Howe St. stairs + Interlakken loop. Part of Interlakken was "closed" due to post storm damage, but I (and several other walkers and runners) went past the tape and signs anyway to continue through the obstacle course of branches and downed trees. When I ran past the hillside/overpass up Eastlake where usually there are several homeless people, their area looked abandoned and recently raked/cleaned. I wonder if they found a shelter or something when the winds and rain hit... hope so.
Long run today:
10 miles
1:34:26 (= 9:26 per mile avg. pace)
HR Monitor, continuing to be ridiculous, said HR Avg. = 165 (no way was that accurate, the stupid piece of crap)