Saturday, February 10, 2007

On the mend?

Well, the marathon plan for March 31 is probably out the window...but the good news is that my hip is improving. I'm continuing my remedial work on running form and I was able to run about 4.5 miles on Thursday and 6 miles, a full hour, today. The hip doesn't exactly feel great right now, a few hours later, but it's better than it was. And it was OK during the run. I still feel like a total goofball and running is a bit of a mental project these days as I plod along with a sound track in my head of "choo-choo, foot strike, choo-choo, footstrike...why does everyone else going around greenlake look so much more relaxed than me? choo-choo, footstrike....are they noticing how stupid I look? choo-choo, foot strike...are they thinking, "Ooooh, she's working on form, and it's not going well" choo-choo, foot strike...that dog sure is cute, maybe he doesn't notice how slow and goofy I look... choo-choo, foot strike...what? 31:32 and I've only gone around once? choo-choo, many weeks has it been since I did speedwork? Damn, I've lost a lot of running fitness...choo-choo, footstrike...ok, at least I can run and it's not killing me! This is good...choo-choo, footstrike..." I'm slow and things are differently sore, but it's getting a little smoother, I think. I'm sure it would be invaluable (albeit horrifying) to videotape myself, but I just haven't gotten to that point.

Anyway, after my "long" 6 mile run and the daily abduction and core work (I'm more religious about this stuff than ever trying to deal w/the hip), I went to watch our little sister's basketball game...Seujan did an 85 mile day on the bike. Tonight is more basketball as we scored an invite with the Cycle U guys to the Sonics game. Pretty cool!

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