Sunday, May 24, 2009

It's like riding a bike...

Oh, wait, it's not LIKE riding a bike, it IS riding a bike!! For the first time in, well, months, I went for an outdoor ride today. The hamstring is not exactly done giving me grief, but it's improved a little bit lately so I took it for a test drive today. The step mill at the gym and the indoor pool (my only cardio for many weeks) have gotten really old, especially with the return of the sunshine lately, so it was great to be outdoors for a little spin. I made myself leave the HR monitor at home and I also made myself stay on a flat route...but of course I kept an eye on the bike computer cause a girl needs at least a few numbers for validation! I rode from Madrona to Seward Park twice, so I got in 20 miles...and I averaged 16.8 mph. It definitely felt a little foreign and I'm NOT in bike shape, but I'm hopeful about the possibility of actually getting my body back this summer and was pretty happy with the ride.

1 comment:

ann said...

Congrats! YEA for you and what an AWESOME day be on your bike!