Monday, May 04, 2009

The contents of my sock...

So my friend Holly in Portland has this saying she uses when she's a little scattered and re-organizing herself or her space. It makes me laugh every time she says, "I gotta get my shit in one sock..." I have no idea whether she made it up or where it came from, but I love it (and always find myself thinking of a big tube sock like I wore when I was about 12...never thought to ask what kind of sock she means...). Lately, I'm hearing myself say this in my head almost constantly as I'm trying to keep a lot of plates spinning and feel like I'm chasing my tail most of the time. I guess most everyone has a lot of plates in motion and god knows I don't do well being bored...but holy cow, it'd be nice to learn how to sit still at some point. A week ago, I went to Portland for a day for work. I took the train and Amtrak provided a small gift of down time that I'm sure I would not have taken any other way...I took a nap, read several chapters of a novel (!), and actually studied for a test. I'm wondering when I can have another excuse to get on a the meantime, I'm going to bed before 9:00 p.m. with that novel...


Anonymous said...

I saw the Sock as a tube sock too--maybe 'cause a tube sock could fit lots of stuff. funny...

Anonymous said...

Any sock will do. Socks are like size does not fit all. Your a jock...why would you not think of tube socks! I think of striped smart wools when I am getting my shit together!