Tuesday, June 26, 2007

So far, so good this week...

This week is off to a pretty good start so far. Yesterday, I had a good swim workout in the morning (just Julie and me in the lane and it's always great to swim with her) and a really good run at lunchtime. I'm getting a little bored with my running route from work, so I changed it up a little and also went a little further and faster than the last few Mondays...and pushed it up the last hill because I had some energy to burn (from whence it came, I'm not sure...perhaps the stawberries an hour before the workout?). I felt really good and had the realization that I was actually enjoying my fitness level on this particular run and not just "working" on improving it. I certainly woulda coulda gone longer, but I wasn't supposed to go over 45 minutes. I miss the medium distance running...it seems I'm usually doing the super-long one and holdin on for dear life or I'm doing pretty short runs to make sure I can keep increasing the longer ones...it totally makes sense, but I think it will be fun when September rolls around to do more medium stuff again. Who knows...by September I may want to throw my running shoes out the window anyway!

Today I slept in...the sleep part is great, but I'm not quite sure what to do with myself at 6:30 a.m. (yes, 6:30 is a long sleep-in) if I'm not working out...and god knows, I'm sure as hell not going to work that early! I like morning workouts the best, but the forecast said it was going to be 80 degrees by afternoon, so I figured I'd get on my bike after work in my favorite weather. Got in a lift at lunch and did my bike speedwork after work when it was, indeed, tank top weather. I did the 3 min hard/2 min recovery as prescribed and got my HR up higher than usual on the intervals...it hit about 153 on all of them. It was windy on Lake Washington Blvd. as usual, so I had a tailwind on 3 of the 5 sprints and 2 were into the wind and a bit slower. I'm trying to learn to hate the wind less and did some extra miles down there after the speed stuff to get a little more time in my aerobars in the wind...it was fun since it was warm and I got a big fat Chipotle burrito on my way home. Seujan had a meeting tonight, so I'm a bachelor for the evening.

Today's bike workout summary:

Warm Up: 5.25 miles
Speedwork: 5x 3 min hard/2 min easy
3:00: Avg HR = 145 (pace 21.9, tailwind)
2:00 recovery:
3:00: Avg HR = 145 (pace 22.4, tailwind)
2:00 recovery
3:00: Avg HR = 148 (pace 20.1, headwind)
2:00 recovery
3:00: Avg HR = 150 (pace 19.0, headwind)
2:00 recovery
3:00: Avg HR = 147 (pace 21.8, tailwind)
Moderate ride: 13.8 miles

Total: 26.25 miles

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