Saturday, November 03, 2007

Hip hell

Today was long run day...perfect temperature (55ish) and not raining, plus some fall color still on the trees. Seujan and I both ran down on Lake Washington...she went 14+ and I did 11.25. I had her tape my hip, but it didn't really matter...damn thing hurt the whole time again. I'm going to PT on Wednesday and have ice on it right now...and will take Aleve tonight and a rest day tomorrow. I'm thinking that if I can hold on and make it through the Seattle Half in 3 weeks, I may take a couple weeks off running altogether and see if it will calm down. Maybe.

What really sucks about the whole thing is that I'm running pretty well speedwise and am trying to work on the new form thing. Today I did the 9 minute run/1 minute walk routine (another failed attempt to help with the hip pain) and even with the walk breaks, I averaged a 9:34 mile.

Long run:

11.25 miles
Avg HR = 142

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