Saturday, January 27, 2007

Back on the bike...

Today was supposed to be a 17-mile long run...however, the hip still isn't interested in running, so it turned into a bike ride. I've been icing my hip daily, taking Aleve 2x a day for about 3 days, and waiting for the PT appt. next Friday. It feels like my running plan is getting de-railed, and I've been informed (not surprisingly), that my attitude is following suit...I also woke up with a sore throat this morning making me even more fun as I complained about that, too.

Fortunately, the weather was great today, and Seujan and Jeff were planning to ride, so I took my bike off the trainer and re-aquainted it with the outdoors. I started with them, then went on my own as they were going for more miles. I rode from home out to Mercer Island and back the same way (did the long part of the island twice) of about 42 miles and I felt better on the bike than I thought I would (even though the bike computer only paid attention for about 3/4 of the ride and kept zero-ing out...I think the universe is provoking me to a gripe-a-thon...for godsake!). was a beautiful day, a nice ride, and I could feel that my sessions on the trainer are helping my cycling. Very cool!

42 miles
Avg. HR = 123
No hip pain on the bike

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