Yesterday was long run day and a "back-off" week, so it was only (yeah "only," am I crazy?) 13 miles. Since it was shorter I wanted a few small hills. I parked at Baker beach on Lake Wa. Blvd. and ran up through the Arboretum to my homemade water station at John & Judy's porch, back through the arboretum, down to Madison beach and then back down Lk. Wa Blvd...had to do a short out-and-back on the other end to get to 13 miles. It was supposed to be sunny by midday, but whoever was in charge of turning on the cloud-burner-offer must've hit the snooze 3 times yesterday morning and it didn't get sunny till at least an hour after I was done running. Anyway, did the 9 min. run/1 min. walk format and spent most of the run thinking about IMC. I have the run part of my race plan pretty well figured out and will give it a test drive next Thursday on the last and longest long run.
This morning was my Friday favorite routine with a lake swim and coffee/toast with everyone at the Essential Bakery. The only thing that would've made it more perfect would be a nap in the sun now, but you can't have everything...
Run summary:
13 miles
2:16:26 (Avg pace = 10:30)
Avg HR = 132 (151 max)
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