Saturday, October 11, 2008

Brain out of retirement

If chasing one's tail were an Olympic event, I'd have medalled this Between a new schedule, bringing my brain out of retirement and into school mode, beagle and house-sitting, work outs, and some social stuff (somehow I managed to have plans every night but one this past week), I was pretty dang frazzled. Let's just say I'm reviewing my time management skills and next week will be (must be) different... I haven't NEEDED a weekend as much as I did yesterday in a loooonnnnggg time. But it feels great to have my head and energy wrapped around something new and very cool...I'm totally digging school! There are about 18 people in my class and, thank god(dess), I'm not the only one in my age group...there are about 3 of us. Of course, I'm old enough to be the parent of several (ok most) of my classmates, but it kind of keeps things interesting. One cool thing I noticed this week was that I was in tornado mode during almost all parts of every single day EXCEPT when I was actually in class at school...the place and the people have good energy and I was able to "land" and engage when I was in class.

It appears that I've started a house and dog sitting business on the side without really trying...I've had 3 dog-sit gigs back to back and just got another one starting tomorrow which will go for about 8 days. I'm pretty psyched to be re-locating up to Jenny P's house to hang out with her 2 cool dogs, Ruby and Rafiki and Noodle, the cat. These little gigs are helping to offset the financial crunch of school and things like, oh, spending $103 at Office Depot today for school supplies (a girl NEEDS colored pencils for the anatomy books, you know, but holy crap that stuff is expensive).

My stupid freakin' hamstring is still not 100% functional, not even close. I ran 4 miles on Tuesday (my only run in 5 weeks) and it got all mad again. I went to PT yesterday and Kristen gave me the "no go" for running for at least a week again and, of course, she found something else I'm doing mechanically wrong and gave me some exercises for my iliopsoas...augh.

After the deluge of week #1, I have a substantial to-do list this weekend. I knocked out a few things so far, but what I knew I needed most and first was a good long bike ride. Today was a cool but gorgeous sunny fall day and I went around the north end of Lake in 50 miles and it was exactly perfect. I now feel more like myself again and ready to tackle a few more things...tomorrow...cause there's a Libra-palooza party tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Libras rock!