Monday, December 22, 2008

MORE snow...

I honestly don't think I've seen this much snow in my life...even the year I lived in Chicago. I'm actually starting to miss seeing pavement.

Yesterday morning, I met some girls at Voluteer Park for a sledding adventure. April & Becky had hosted a dinner party on Saturday night and busted out their serving trays to use as sleds. They were more successful than I was in navigating these things...on my 2nd run, I ended up in a backwards somersault and felt my neck go, "munch..." It hurt the rest of the day and I'm still feeling it a bit today. Here are some of us with the tray-sleds:

After the morning play session, April & Becky came over to the Shoebox for brunch. My afternoon entertainment was 45 minutes on the bike trainer watching the Seahawks on TV and the snow dumping outside my just kept coming down.
The late afternoon/evening was spent with the same girls plus a few more on a bit of a pub crawl around Capitol Hill. We did some bad karoke at the Crescent, went to the Saint, and ended up at Purr. In between locations, we joined a group of about 100 Seattleites who'd congregated at the top of the Olive/Denny St. Hill. There were lots of sledders---manyof whom were pretty tanked---zooming down the hill (which has been closed to cars for about 3 days) toward downtown. I was waiting for the Advil to help my earlier tumble and limited my entertainment to watching. The funniest thing about this scene were the random and crazy items people were using as sleds...there was a huge pink surfboard (usually with about 4 people on it), metal mixing bowls, a dog bed, pieces of garbage cans, miscellaneous plastic things, stolen real estate and restaurant signs, a desk chair floor mat, and quite a few other random items. It was quite a scene. When I did my now daily walk downtown to the gym this morning, I went by the same hill and it looked like a garbage dump. There were piles of the once-sleds and all the beer cans and boxes all over the hill, it was pretty gross:

When I got back to the Shoebox a few minutes ago, I dug my car out from under more than a foot of snow and started it just to make sure it'd fire up. It did and I'm currently in the midst of deciding whether to road trip down to Olympia overnight to see Heather & Chase or whether to join the group on the Hill for a potluck...I'm itching to get out of my 2-mile radius, but it could be a little dicey getting to I-5...

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