Well, I pretty much got my ass handed to me yesterday out in brick-land...Went out for a 40 mile ride (with 20 miles tempo in the middle) + 4 mile run...and...well...didn't exactly have that "always more in the tank" experience of last Saturday.
Not to make excuses, but...I'd like to preface by saying that I did do cycling hill repeats on Tuesday and that yesterday was a "record heat" day. I'm not complaining about either of these factors (god forbid I EVER EVER EVER say anything negative about heat in Seattle or may a bolt of lightening strike me down stat), but I think they were factors.
I warmed up riding over to the far side of Mercer Island and rode the long side each direction to get the 20 mile tempo piece. As soon as I took the pace up, I passed a guy who then sucked my wheel for 10 miles...I don't love it when people do that, especially when they don't announce themselves/ask and I was a little annoyed (and thus, did a few farmer's blow nose clears that, guess what, did not shake him). But I must admit that him being there pushed me a little and knowing that it was a dude on my wheel was a slight confidence booster (unlike that day last week when a guy with a double trail-a-bike carrying 2 non-pedalling small girls dropped me on Lake Wa Blvd). Anyway...rode the clockwise direction first, hit the lap timer, and flipped back alone for the 2nd half. No way did I negagive split, but I was close to holding pace in the 2nd half, so I'll take it. Then rode 12 more miles home. The knee hurt while riding and I felt pretty beat from pushing the ride...there was no enthusiasm for the run. I ran downhill to the lake with minimal confidence that I had 4 miles in my legs...the hamstring joined the knee in complaining, a dull sideache started, and my HR was really high for the pace I was(n't) running. OK, talking myself down...maybe I can make it 3 miles...at about 2.5 I was really feeling like crap and went through the little pullout park just north of Seward Park. I saw a poor overheated pug under a park bench, immobilized on his side, and panting/wheezing as if he were having a near-death experience...he pretty much sounded like I felt. I dragged a little further and, for once, listened to my body when it suggested we throw up the white flag and surrender. I walked a little, tried to run again, went back by the pug, and gave up. I threw myself into the lake and got my head under water to cool down...then walked over the hill back home (quad and knee fatigue bigtime going over 6 flights of stairs). My knee was pretty pissed when I got home, so I iced it and went to a great accupuncture/massage with Magical Monica...helped a lot.
This morning was another sunrise lake swim that was totally perfect. Swam to the yellow house again and the water was perfectly calm with Mt. Rainier in view...These are the mornings I dream about when I schlep to the pool all winter in the dark and the rain! Love it.
Yesterday's Brick:
40 mile bike: 2:20
8 mile warm up
20 miles tempo:
1st 10.3 miles: 32:27, Avg HR=145, Avg Pace: 19.1 mph
2nd 10.3 miles: 32:40, Avg HR = 149, Avg Pace: 18.9 mph
12 miles moderate
Lousy-ass run:
2.85 miles
Avg HR = 155
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