With the clear and sunny forecast (finally! Seasonal suicide tendencies averted just in time!) on the way, I emailed the unofficial Mermaid Captain, Karin, yesterday to see if I could lure her away from her pool workout to swim in the lake this morning. Hm, she was the 2nd person this week who accused me (oh, wait, I mean complimented me) on being a "bad influence" and tempting people into races and workouts. Thankyew, thankyewverymuch. Karin worked her captain powers and rallied Liz and Tatyana, so the 4 of us met at 5:45 a.m. at Madison Beach. It was the first swim of the year with Mt. Rainier and the sun smiling on the water. Oh, YEAH, this is why I live here! We swam to the yellow house and back...perfect morning!
Didn't blog yesterday, so catching up a little...Did weights and hill repeats on the bike (with its newly installed computer...kind of a buzzkill to see mph and cadence for a hill repeat day, but whatever!).
I rode over to Madrona and did it 5 times...measured from the crosswalk at the bottom to Pine St. at the top (.85 miles). I didn't exactly hold a consistent pace through the 5 hills-- and honestly, the last 2 felt kind of shabby. But being out in the sun makes everything fun, so I mostly just got it done and relished the fact that I was sweating in the sun while wearing only one layer. And I also thought about the fact that this workout will pay off later...hopefully, during the next race.
Sidebar: My training plan calls for a "mini tri" on the same day as the Seafair triathlon...I may buck up and do a sprint race...even though a $65 entry fee feels a little steep....toying with the idea...
Bike Hill Repeats:
4ish mile warm up
1. 5:33, Avg HR: 149
3:30 recovery
2. 5:43, Avg HR: 147
3:31 recovery
3. 5:50, Avg HR: 149
3:34 recovery
4. 5:54, Avg HR: 149
3:46 recovery
5. 5:59, Avg HR: 149
3:36 recovery
Moderate ride home: 6.5 miles, 26 min.
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