Thursday, July 01, 2010

Subdued, dude

Yesterday I left Otto and Olive and moved to my next dog sitting gig, with Bugsy, the senior citizen curmudgeon pug. After getting pulled around the neighborhood all week by the other 2, this is a definite (and, OK, welcomed) change of pace. If this guy had a puppy pedometer, he'd be hard pressed to register a few hundred steps per day...he gets carried like a football up and down stairs and lifted to the couch; not a bad deal. He's a pretty subdued dude.
I tend to love old guys, especially cranky ones, so I love hanging with Bugsy (and find his little underbite charming, even when he can't see who I am and snaps it at me).
So anyway...catching up...yesterday I swam with the impromptu mini masters' group at Medgar Evars. It was a good butt-kicking and I was glad I had a swim-only day and that the workout was done early.
Today was a run and bike day...I had a good 6 mile run this morning and felt the knee and back a bit. The work day was busy (14 x mini massages at Seattle Magazine) and I would have liked to hang with Bugsy on the couch afterwards....but the power of that color-coded piece of paper is strong and it got me out on the bike. My knee hurt more this afternoon, my back was stiff, and it was in the 60's and showery...I was right up there on the curmudgeon scale myself. But the ride was just an hour and not speedwork, so it went by quick. Afterwards, I used the foam roller on my IT bands, had 2 Aleve, smeared on the Arnica, and then threw beer (of course, to complete the AAA remedy of Aleve+Arnica+Amber for the knee and hamstring) at the problem while having a great dinner with my friend, Jason, whose birthday was today.
6 mile run
Avg HR: 144
16 mile bike
Avg HR: 122

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