I hate spin class. "Quarter turn, add it!" is what they must teach every spin instructor to say at spin instructor 101 training. Many of them seem to learn almost nothing else, but I swear they all master the use of "Quarter turn, add it" to graduate. They can fail music selection, clothing sense, and creating classes that resemble cycling in any way, shape or form, but they must say the mantra. Today my silent response to the overused command was, "Nope, not today, dude...unless you're talking about the calendar, in which case I'd be happy to give you THREE quarter turns and bring us back to June where we belong..." I did an interval run this morning and decided that averaging exactly my AT for spin class and hanging out in the back would be just fine.
Regardless of my slacker behavior in the class, I'm not done venting. Being at spin class almost always means that either (a) I don't have enough time to do a "real" ride outdoors on my bike, (b) that the weather sucks, or (c) both. Any of these conditions render me cranky in the first place and then it just isn't fun...bottom line. Despite the fact that I have a strong appreciation for buff gay guys (today's instructor), I couldn't even get into his combo sing-along/dialogue with Aretha Franklin during "You make me feel like a natural woman..."
I think I'm just bummed that the summer is over.
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