Sunday, September 24, 2006

Still not the last lake swim...

Beee-uuutiful weekend...Tatyana and I got in yet another lake swim today and it was perfect. We saw/met 2 other swimmers out in the cove who had 2 dogs with them and one was pushing quite a pace...very cool. I smacked arms with one of the humans as we were swimming opposite directions...acres and acres of water territory out there and I smacked her just like everyone (I swear, it's not just me) does in the pool over the lane lines. Anyway...great swim and we have vowed to get at least one more in this almost feels like we're getting away with something by still going in the lake this late in the season. I'm SO not done with summer :) Seujan is currently on the couch swearing about how the "damn sun is making everything so damn hot..." The defintion of perfect weather is certainly not something we agree on. She is craving more rain and clouds (WHATever). I know all too soon I'll be the one occupying the swearing position on the couch and cursing the damn cold and rain; it's just a matter of time.

The annual Cheryl-fest was this afternoon...the annual birthday party/tribute to our coach. Way fun, great slide show, creative crack-up performance (The "Wizard of abs..." this year), and TONS of great pot luck food.

Almost Monday again, bike would like another Saturday tomorrow, please...

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