Monday, October 02, 2006

It's all relative

So this morning was my "long run day," and I'm almost to the point of considering that I might gradually be becoming an endurance athlete. Maybe. Mostly because I think my distances are getting long enough now that I'll have to stop doing long runs on Monday mornings due to 2 major things I can't control (grr): darkness and having to work for a living. Anyway, the distance thing is all relative, I Seujan ran 2 and a half hours yesterday and then had no trouble having more energy to burn and easily going shopping with me afterwards... I felt pretty dang wiped all morning after today's run and my right hamstring is still a little cranky. I think I went about 10 miles...around Lake Union with an add-on up Eastlake to the Howe Street stairs, through Interlakken, and back down Boyer: 1 hour, 36 minutes, 30 seconds. Despite going through some of my favorite routes, it felt like a damn long time and in the last 2 miles or so I was seriously questioning the whole Ironman idea. Good thing they already have my $500 and I really want the swag...and possibly the I.M. tatoo.

I generally think that running with an ipod is a bad idea...mostly for safety reasons...but I may reconsider.

I meet with my coach on Thursday to update training plans, and am guessing I'm ahead of the game for the half marathon on December 10 in Tucson...after which the really hard stuff starts and the next goal will be a full marathon in the spring.

Did I mention today was the first day for running gloves? Granted, I was the only one out there with them on, but it was 45 degrees and I think that's COLD! The second shirt was overkill, I'll admit, but the gloves were a good idea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Du kannst es! Hau rein! Wir lieben Dich.
Rolf - the German
Ups! You can do it! Just do it!! Wer love you.