Tuesday, November 21, 2006

win a few, lose a few...

This morning I decided to sleep in a little and flex my navigational skills by taking the bus to work. I won't expand on all the painful and embarrassing details, but let's just say I confidently set out for a 20 minute "express" trip downtown and 2 busses, 2 bus fares (because why would I ask for a transfer when I thought the first bus was going downtown), an hour and a half, 2 satsuma oranges and a banana (thank god I had snacks), a bathroom stop (good thing the first bus went the wrong direction near a Tullys coffee shop) and several ipod songs later...I arrived at the office. I now know to read the fine print on the Metro website and that busses 65, 66, and 67 are probably not interchangeable just because they might stop near my house with their nose pointed towards downtown. Whatever. I wasn't particularly excited to get to work, anyway, except for the fact that my cereal was there.

My midday luck was much better than my early luck today...I went for a nice aerobic run at lunchtime which included a small piece of the Seattle Half Marathon route (wanted to leave myself some good energy on the course for Sunday). I thought through my race plan for Sunday while I ran and, although it was a bit windy at the end, it was a nice, dry run with some actual sunshine at the beginning. About 30 minutes after I got back to work, a big thunder and hail storm hit the city...everyone in our office could hear the hail slamming on the windows. I'm glad my bad luck for the day (knock on wood, yes I do realize the day is not over) went into transportation and not weather.

Here's a good photo of the storm, along with stats about how this will probably be the rainiest month in Seattle history:


Anyway, mapmyrun.com says that I ran:

5.86 miles at a 9:13 pace. (54 minutes)

I didn't wear my HR monitor...we're not friends lately and I decided just to go on RPE.

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