Wednesday, May 23, 2007

On the MAP

I'm gradually decompressing from the Tour (now called Tour de Ruthless by Jeff since the century route has 6,000 ft. of elevation on it), although I still dreamed about routes, cue sheets, and rest stops last night and also dreamed that Seujan wanted us to buy an ice machine like the one we used at Marymoor with shelves of 40 lb. bags of ice, no idea why...But yeah, I'm slowly coming down from the whole thing and getting my physical energy back a chunk at a time. Had a good 46 mile bike ride yesterday, and a good swim and a decent run today. I fully intend to rest on my laurels for a little while (OK, maybe for the whole summer if I can get away with it?) at work and focus on IMC training. My boss told me to take a break this week, so I'm leaving early when I can and am taking Friday off to do my long run.

I found out yesterday that I received an ADA national "MAP" (Mission Appreciation Program or something like that) award for the changes and work on the Tour de Cure. I'd wanted to put our event on the map in terms of TDC events nationally (there are 80+ of them), and getting myself on the "MAP" doesn't hurt, either...good thing to put on the resume (which I am, of course, updating...I'd insert my clever 30-second elevator speech here, but I still need to create it...stay tuned). far it's been a decent training week and with few more good nights of sleep, I should be back to running on full cylinders. Seujan has been sick as a dog for a full week and I'm pounding Zicam, Airborne, and echinacea lozenges hoping I can dodge the bullet.

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