Monday, May 28, 2007

Ride report, 7 Hills of Kirkland

As per my annual tradition, I did the 7 Hills of Kirkland ride today. Seujan is still coughing and hasn't slept well in almost 2 weeks when I bounded out of bed and started filling water bottles and choosing cycling layers, she was less interested than usual and crawled back under the covers. Since she finally could sleep, she rode solo later and I did the ride alone. Ran into a few people I know, but rode the century route by myself, which was fine. If I can't ride with Seujan or Dave, I like riding alone best. The sun didn't really break out till well over halfway through, but the temperature was fine, there was no rain, and the food stops were very well was a good day on the bike. I ate and drank all day, so I wasn't dead at the end (although it was FINE with me to be done by then). I also didn't break any speed records, but felt good and had fun.

Seujan did a 50 miler on her own and met me at the car in Kirkland...then we came home and made HUGE burgers on the grill. GREAT holiday!!

This was the 4th day of a 4-day weekend and I could easily find things to do for another 4...but unfortunately, it's back to work tomorrow.

Ride stats:
99.7 miles
6:43 riding time
7:46 total time (had to wait in line at the portos a few times, so stops were longer than planned)
Avg. speed: 14.8
Avg. HR = 121

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