Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Beagle blog!

I'm hosting my first 4-legged guest in the Shoebox...Rosie, my favorite beagle, is in my care (or maybe more accurately, I'm in hers?) until Monday. YEA!! I even cleared her presence with the apt. manager who said he'd be able to "look the other way..." for a weekend, despite the fact that doggies really aren't allowed in the building (making this a double gift from the universe). It's definitely time for some unconditional love on 4 feet and I'm very happy to have her around.

Today was a swim/bike day...swim team was the regular good workout (although there was some breath control crap and I actually tried to do a little of it, blech). I got in an hour on the bike trainer later in the day at basic aerobic pace, nothing fancy. I tried to keep the cadence up and was at about 100 for much of the workout...hoping some of this indoor stuff will transfer to the real riding.

I also had to deal with a technical difficulty with my computer today...I couldn't get online and had to call Comcast (who, despite the fact that the company IS the devil, employs some really nice and decent tech support staff...). It turned out my splitter had spontaneously bitten the dust and, for a few hours, I had to choose between the TV or being online. It made me realize how dependent I am on having them both simultaneously to keep me company...Anyway, a $2 splitter at Bartell's has brought me back to the usual connections and I am good to go with the TV on as I type...thank god, as it's time for American Idol! Poor Rosie had to listen to my singing in the car and it might get worse now if I like their song choices!

Swim: 3150 yards

Bike trainer:
Avg HR = 130

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