Thursday, February 07, 2008

Impromtu group run

This morning was "long" run day..."long," of course, is still a relative term, but slowly returning to what I consider to be a realistic definition. I turned on the TV quick before heading out and dreaded the "really windy" assessment of current conditions, but there was no friggin' way I was going to the gym to get on the treadmill for 6+ miles. It was a good decision to go was breezy in places, but not that bad, no rain and not too cold. I parked on Boyer again like last week and went clockwise (strategy = headwind first) around Lake Union. At the south end of the lake, I heard my name being yelled behind 6:15 a.m. in the dark, it seemed a little odd, but I looked back and Ann J. and Karen D. had merged onto the route and were behind me (apparently Ann identified me by my running form which I don't think was exactly a compliment!). We ran and chatted together for a few minutes and they told me they were out for a 9-miler and invited me to come was VERY tempting, especially since their route sounded fun, but I thought I shouldn't jump up to 9 miles quite yet. I split off when they made a pit stop and continued the time I passed Speedy Reedy, there was a slight bit of daylight and I was thinking (again) how much I can't wait for the days to get longer...come on, spring! I added a little at the end past my car to get 7 miles and it felt good. The hip was fine while running and I have PT later today, so hopefully Wolf will wrench on the post-run stiffness.

7 Mile Run
Avg HR = 140

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