Saturday, February 02, 2008

Damn the groundhog, full speed ahead!

Does anyone else think that Punxsutawney Phil looks kind of stoned? I mean, as someone who also has a job that pretty much revolves around an event that happens one day per year, I'd think that little groundhog would exhibit a bit more enthusiasm...I think they drug him before they go on TV to announce the results of his yearly shadow-seeking. Poor guy...he's cute, fat, and looks well-groomed, but doesn't seem too happy about his gig. Anyway, Phil saw his shadow this morning and I went downstairs and outside to the street twice to look for my own before I finally bit the bullet and decided to ride my bike outdoors. I had all but conceded to the wet pavement and cold, but the more/later I waffled, the bluer the sky got, so I took it as a sign (plus, I just didn't want to get on the trainer AGAIN).

My legs were feeling it pretty soon (which made sense as I remembered that I haven't been off them since last Sunday and I did stairs this week, did an extra spin class yesterday, and did plyometrics last night...), but otherwise it was a really good ride. I went out the long side of Mercer Island and around the south end of the lake...other than my toes, I never got cold (good, as it was 37 degrees) and even though the pavement was wet, it didn't rain so I stayed dry. I was supposed to do 30 miles today, but since I "cheated short" last week, I "cheated long" this week and went 30 miles, this was a decision my quads did not agree with, but I was south of Seward Park and had no scoop options, so I kept throwing food at the problem and made it home. Woulda shoulda (not sure I coulda) done core when I got home, but felt more like "stick a fork in me, I'm DONE..." so I opted for a shower and lunch. I toyed with the idea of hiking downtown to meet my friend, Paul, for a movie this afternoon, but I think I'll just deal with the guilt of my carbon footprint and drive down the hill...I'm beat and looking forward to sitting through a movie. I trained just under 12 hours this week, but it feels like about 18! REST DAY tomorrow, whew.

Groundhog Day Ride:

42 miles

Avg HR: 121
Max HR: 154
Avg pace: 14.8mph

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am braving the cold tomorrow and riding after my 9am swim. for your toes..try the cheap method...put plastic baggies over them. Works like a charm. I did it on my last ride when it was 36.
Enjoy your rest day.