Wednesday, February 13, 2008


After a less-fun-than-usual swim yesterday morning (first set was really dumb and really long and wasted too much time), I met with my coach to discuss the training plan for the next few weeks and to talk about what other races 'n stuff I'll do this year. The options have been narrowed down, but the final decisions are yet to be made: Either I'll do the Pac Tour training trip to Arizona the last week of March, or...I'll (likely) decide I can't afford it (even with a tax refund and a frequent flyer ticket, still not looking financially responsible)...Either, I'll do the Eugene Half Marathon on May 4, or I'll do the Tacoma Half on May 10....and Either I'll do the ChelanMan Half Ironman on July 29, or I'll (more likely) do Troika on Aug. 3. Of course, HoNu on May 31 is set and we've decided that the goal for that one due to time of year, weather, etc. is officially to have's not my A race. In addition, Tour de Blast and High Pass Challenge could happen and, of course, Fat Salmon is a given...and perhaps a few other things like Chilly Hilly next weekend are TBD.

I lifted weights and did plyometrics yesterday and something torqued in my left knee at some point...I'm pretty sure it was from the plyometrics or maybe lunges and I felt it the rest of the day/evening. It scared me last night when it was sore (even after taking Aleve) and has continuted to be a little annoying today, but I'm choosing to believe that it's just a little thing that will pass, especially since it felt a bit better today after cycling. I'm NOT interested in another injury, for sure, as I'm not quite finished with the last one.

Today I had a really good swim (way better workout from the swim coach today) and also figured out my schedule so that I could come home and get on the trainer in between various meetings hither and yon. It was sunny and almost 50 outside, but I opted to just get on the trainer for 45 minutes while watching "Ellen," steady state and simple.

Tues swim:

Wed Swim:

Bike Trainer:
45 min
Avg HR = 132

Sidebar: culinary lesson learned this evening...don't put wild grain rice in the rice cooker despite what it says on the rice cooker is a little crusty and really pissed.

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