Saturday, July 26, 2008

Slammed Saturday

Today was my last longish ride before the taper week for Troika. I am volunteering for the new Seattle Century ride tomorrow and one of my tasks was to "rabbit" one of the routes today to check the signs and "Dan Henry" markings. I was dispatched with a big roll of tape and some extra arrow signs and rolled out of Magnuson solo about 9 a.m. The "50 mile" (nope, it's 60) route goes out to Marymoor, West Lake Samm....then UP and over Cougar Island (holy crap, I've heard of "zoo hill" for years, but had never done it...not for sissies, damn), back through Newport, over Mercer Island, past UW, and back to Magnuson. I felt pretty good throughout the ride...not super high energy, but OK. Definitely feeling the need for some recovery this coming week.

I was supposed to be back at REI at 1:30 for a meeting about tomorrow's event and was already pushing toward being late...but I went ahead and did a mini brick and ran for 10 minutes after the ride. I had no time to cool down and not much recovery food...just busted it back to REI for the meeting. By the time I got out of there, I had to hurry (again) home to shower and then barely made it in time to a massage...ah, slice of heaven and the perfect "one week till the race" legs feel like they weigh 100 pounds each. And finally...the next stop will be a BBQ with HH where I will be warning the host about how much food could disappear in a short period of time since I still haven't really had a meal today...Hoover, party of 1...

60 mile ride
Avg HR = 121 (max = 161, holy Cougar)
Avg speed: 15.6 mph

10 min run
1.17 mile
Avg HR 141

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