Monday, January 21, 2008

First brick of '08

I went to PT on Friday and now have another (this is the 3rd) PT working on my hip (the last one moved to a new clinic). Apparently, the field of PT is a bastion of "2nd opinion," and seems to be more of an art than a science...every person thinks and does something different for my hip. The new guy took the heel lift out of my running shoe and said I should add a short unscheduled run to the week on Saturday to try running again without it. Saturday was a bike day, so I decided to do my first brick of the year.

I had a 2-hour trainer or 30-mile road ride on my schedule for Saturday and the weather was crap, so the trainer was the obvious choice. Fortunately, I had a DVD of an "L Word" episode as well as a tape of Ironman Wisconsin, so I made it 1:40 on the bike with good quality entertainment. Then I grabbed my running shoes and ran outdoors for 25 minutes, taking a short tour of Volunteer Park (making up new routes in my new 'hood). It was really cold and rainy and my hands got numb pretty quick. I was also pretty tired and just done with working out for the week so I cut the run at 25 minutes. The brick felt pretty good...legs were fine and hip was OK, too.

Yesterday was my first rest day in 2 weeks and after a crazy week, I was just fine with that idea. However, when I got back to my building with the last full car full of stuff to move, the $&#! elevator was broken. And guess who's on the 4th floor. So...several schleps up and down the stairs made it a bit more of an "active rest" rest day. At least it happened yesterday and not on Saturday when I was negotiating a large desk alone (that I got for $20 on craigslist, whoop!).

Today I finally got online for the first time in 2 days and had a note from Julie saying "Register now for Hawaii!!!" because she noticed that the race is almost full. My credit card has been operating at full steam lately, so it hopped out of my wallet at Julie's prompt and I'm officially signed up for the Honu Half Ironman at the end of May.

My schedule today has me biking about 45 - 50 miles and since I just paid $250 for a race in a few months, I better get out there and do it. They just said on tv that this morning is the coldest day of the year so far...locating my lobster gloves and prepping for a cold one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jack Johnson Lyrics

On And On Lyrics

In times like these and in times like those
What will be will be and so it goes
And it always goes on and on and on and on and on
On and on and on and on and on it goes, hmm

There will always be laughin cryin birth and dyin
Boys and girls with hearts that take and give and break
Heal and grow and recreate and raise and nurture
Then hurt, form time to times like these and times like those
What will be will be and so it goes

There will always be stop and go and fast and slow
And action reaction and sticks and stones and broken bones
Those for peace and those for war
And God bless these ones not those ones but these ones

May times like these and times like those
What will be will be and so it goes
And it always goes on and on and on and on and on
On and on and on and on and on it goes, hmm

Somehow I know, it wont be the same
Somehow I know, itll never be the same