I went XC skiing today at Hyak...Cara, her friend, Amy, and I waffled about whether to go to Hyak or to Stevens due to the snow/rain probability and settled on the usual (Hyak) after Cara checked the DOT website one last time. As we drove up, we kept hoping the dumping rain would turn to snow and, fortunately, it finally did. The reader board at the top of Snoqualmie Pass was jumping between 32 and 31 degrees. As usual, I skied alone and went up Mt. Catherine...Cara and Amy did a different route and we all ended up at the lodge a few hours later. As I was skiing in the tracks with my little classical "beater" skis (and poles whose wrist straps have been lost, often resulting in me leaving one behind and having to back track to retrieve it), Karen Wolf swooped past me on her skate skis and we chatted a little before she dropped me. Saw her and her husband again later in the lodge and hung out chatting for a while, which was fun. I had a good, fun ski and had quite a bit of solo time (my favorite for skiing) on the climb and around the top...the trees and the snow were really pretty and besides the clatter of my own skis (oh, wait, that was the clatter in my own head), it was quiet and serene. On the way back, I got a little road rage in the last 1-2 miles, but de-escalated because I realized the people who were moving slowly or standing in the tracks were the special needs folks from "ski for all." Not cool to be cranky with them at all! Anyway, I had fun... didn't kill myself, but got a decent workout and I had a really great time riding up and back with Cara and Amy.
11.1 miles skiing
Avg HR = 121
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