Well, the first few days of 2008 have been...well, not what was anticipated a week ago, and a bit of a new and interesting frontier in the old setting. Let's just say that I un-forwarded my mail and my/our home address will remain the same for a while. Tomorrow is the season premiere of the "L Word," but I think the truth has been more difficult to believe than fiction, and I could really step up with a few autobiographical episodes should their writers go on strike!
I brought back a bit of a cold from the Georgia trip, so I've been a sniffy and coughing a little this week. But I still got in some good training in the last few days including a great 35 mile solo outdoor bike ride on New Year's Day (during which I was never cold...whoop!). Thankfully, swim team has resumed at Seattle U, too, so I'm psyched about that. My coach has created my new training plan and I have my marching orders for the next 5 weeks or so to get 2008 going. The hip is still a bit of an obstacle, but I am running a little and easing it back into functionality (albeit way slower than I'd like, grrr).
Today's task was a bike ride with an AT field test included...I was NOT looking forward to it the last couple of days and procrastinated for a while this morning before I sucked it up and got on the bike trainer. It helped that we'd taped "Friday Night Lights" last night, so watching that got me through the first hour or so...and then I had an old tape of the Louisville Ironman from a month or so ago that I hadn't gotten around to, so that finshed it off. Also, there were some great dinner leftovers in the frig waiting at the finish line.
Bike ride summary:
15 minute warm up
20 min. TT: Avg. HR = 142
5 min recovery
20 min. TT: Avg. HR = 140
40 min moderate ride: Avg HR = 130
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