Monday, January 28, 2008

Snow 'n stairs

It's one of those winter days in Seattle when there are a few flakes of snow, many puddles, and a LOT of weather hype...viola', instant sweeps week for the local TV news. I woke up a little before my alarm this morning and turned on the TV to hear "There has been a great deal of snow overnight, don't go anywhere if you don't have to..." so I put on my hiking boots and went down to find...some snow on my car and wet streets. I drove to swim team and back with no problem and then hung out for a while drinking coffee and watching the live reports of snow in the area and exchanging phone calls and emails with co-workers, most of whom bailed and took the snow day at home option. I'm banking on another snow storm tonight and will probably walk home and leave my car in the garage at work.

More stuff was coming down by late morning and I went out for a run at lunch time in the rainy snow (or maybe snowy rain?). Today was a 4 mile-ish "add hills" run, so I decided to do a few sets of the Howe St. stairs...hills, stairs, close enough. My hip was fine and I'd thought I'd do 4-5 sets, but my quads went on strike by the 3rd set and I know them well enough to know when they might be sore tomorrow, so I called it good at 3 sets (there are 13 flights in a set, after all!!).

Run summary:

46 minutes
4.3 miles
Avg HR = 148
Max HR = 170

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