Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Me 'n my Visa

I'm blogging on my BRAND NEW laptop...very exciting! It's blue and very sexy. Buying a new computer was part of my "what the hell, I'm worth it" shopping spree that has been going on for a couple of Visa has left a smoking trail through the city, blazing through "Bed, Bath & Beyond," Fred Meyer, Office Depot, and Target...oh yeah, and Dania. Oh and the HoNu race entry. I'm a little afraid to look up my statement online...yikes. I think I need to put on the brakes soon (like about 4 purchases ago), but it has been fun and I'm pretty well nested with my new stuff!

I've barely been keeping pace with my Visa card, but did get in a double yesterday (it was supposed to be a triple, but I didn't exactly make it to the gym to lift weights...). I swam yesterday (today, too) and also did a 4.5 mile run yesterday with 8 x 1-minute "pick-ups." My hip was a little tight today, but not bad, so I'm planning to up the mileage a little on the next few runs. I went back to PT today and it seems the hip is making decent progress. I think I may have landed at the right PT (finally) because he's a marathoner, former ultra-marathoner, and has had a very similar hip injury himself.

Yesterday's weight session didn't exactly happen today, either (crazy run-around day)...but I think I'll make it tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ruth- Good talking to you the other night. Let's try to stay in touch. (I missed my weight work out this morning, too- there must be something going around)
