Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Another indoor bike ride

I slept in a little this morning and turned on the coffee and the news about 6:00...to hear that today was to be a rainfest. DANGIT. I'd planned to do my last "route development" on the TDC 45 mile route this afternoon...instead I went to work at 7:00 a.m. and pretty much sat there till 4:00 when I got restless leg syndrome and HAD to move. I was still thinking about biking outdoors, but when the rain hit the windshield on the way home, I knew it was a trainer day.

Got on the bike trainer with Oprah and survived through part of the news. I was shooting for 2 hours, but lost enthusiasm at 1:45...while watching the forecast for 80+ degrees and sunny on Friday and Saturday. Didn't help much today, but if that forecast actually happens, I could be quite the happy event manager in a few days!!

Bike Trainer:
Avg HR = 128
Max HR = 136

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