Friday, May 09, 2008


Today I did the usual Friday swim and weights. I would have liked a bit more sleep this morning, but I definitely was not dragging as much as I am on some Fridays...the slight taper is kind of nice. Tomorrow is a rest day before the half marathon race on Sunday and tonight appears to be a mellow night at home...the activities planned for my evening in the Shoebox include a netflix DVD and another attempt at a self-pedicure.

I picked up my packet and shirt today for Sunday while I was running around on another errand-fest to the east side for work. I haven't pinnned on a race number for anything since the Seattle Half...holy cow, that means it's been 6 months without a timing chip! It's definitely time to get back out there...will have to think more about the race plan tomorrow.

Swim: 3,000 yards.

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