Thursday, May 01, 2008

May Day

It says May on the calendar...and they are giving free tulips away in our office building for May Day...but I ran this morning with gloves, tights, and long sleeves which does not exactly scream "May," in my opinion. Oh, least there is daylight early now and it wasn't snowing. I had to take my car into the shop this morning on Lake City Way by 8:00, so I was up at 5:00 to get in a 10-mile run first. I trotted away from the Shoebox at about 5:20 a.m. and was happy to have daylight from the get-go this time...did the capitol hill downhill weave to Broadway, down the Howe St. stairs...down to Eastlake, over Boyer, down through the arboretum and back, finishing UP Interlakken and that nice (not) long hill toward the end. My legs were a bit tired, but I felt fine...didn't push, didn't slack, just steady and kept about a 9:30 avg. mile pace.

Today's beverage of choice was good old Gatorade, although I chose a new Tiger Woods' flavor called "Quiet Storm." I suppose the Gatorade marketing dept. thought Tiger's face and "quiet storm" would sell better than a more accurate description like "synthetic purple somewhat resembling fake grape." It wasn't bad...much better than the junk I used last week.

I also test drove some new running socks that my buddy, Joel, gave me for my birthday. He swears by these "Injinji" toe socks and I must say I liked them and understand the appeal, especially for blister prevention. Comfy. Not sure I'd want to deal with the toe sock format in transition during a triathlon, but I'll very likely use them for the Kirkland Half next weekend...they're pretty cool.

10 mile run:
Avg HR = 140

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