Monday isn't usually anyone's favorite day...not sure it's mine, either, but lately I've been quite thankful for Mondays simply because they indicate that Sunday is over. Yesterday was fortunately salvaged at the end by a triple episode viewing of the "L Word," but still...time for that day to be over and to get on to a new week.
This week there's no swim team because Seattle U. is on spring break...kind of a bummer, but changing things around a little is OK for a week. I did my hill repeat run this morning and swam at the gym later...nice to run at home first thing in the morning as I'm a bit tired of my running route at work.
The hills run assignment was 5 x 2 minute hills...there are lots of hills in my 'hood, but finding one that was the right distance and visible in the dark took a little while and some figuring out. I ended up doing a combo of 18th Street, around the corner onto Galer and up toward Volunteer Park. On the first one, I figured out it was the right distance, but then I screwed up and went down 17th for #2 (oops)...then got it right and did 3 more like the first one. They were all steep and tough...legs were good and heavy by the last one, for sure.
Even though I like swim team best, a solo swim was OK today. After the hills this morning, I didn't feel like doing lots of intervals, so I did more LSD and kick with just one set of 10 x 50's in the middle of the workout. 200 meters into my warm up, I felt a wierd suction on my goggles and then saw the strap floating past my head in my peripheral vision...another victory for chlorine as the strap had broken. Fortunately, the goggles stayed on for a minute, no contacts were lost, and I hopped out and grabbed the 2 spare pair of goggles I had in my bag in the locker room (again, I say they should've let me be a boy scout when I was a kid and asked to be one...I mean, really, show me any of those dorks in their blue uniforms who are more "always prepared" than me!).
2 good workouts and hopefully off to a good week.
5 mile run:
1.75 mile warm up
5 x hills (HR up to low 160s on all)
.24 mile, 2:11
.21 mile, 1:47
.23 mile, 2:04
.24 mile, 2:03
.24 mile, 2:04
1.2 mile moderate/cool down
Avg HR = 136
Max HR = 166
3000 meter swim
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