Saturday, March 01, 2008

3 months till HoNu

Let's see...catching up here. Yesterday was the regular a.m. swim team workout and weights later...the usual Friday routine. I also had my last PT appt. with Wolf for a while...The hip is doing pretty well and I told him I think it's time for us to break up, at least for a while or until the next injury (which my right hamstring keeps applying for). The hip isn't totally done being an issue, but I'm hoping to just manage it on my own from here on out.

After some late afternoon coffee yesterday, I rallied and went to a fun burlesque show in Columbia City with Stacey & Shane and Julie & Duncan. It was really fun and I was out till 10:30 p.m.! Impressive, no?

Today was long bike ride day. The beagle and I went out about 7:00 a.m. to assess the weather scenerio....then we watched the morning news for their opinion....then we went out again about 9:30 a.m....and discussed it further. My ability to waffle for hours on whether to ride indoors or outdoors is unsurpassed, but the beagle seemed less annoyed than any human would have been (and ultimately, I'm quite happy with having made the right decision). Rosie thought I should just get on the trainer and spend the morning with she and Denzel Washington (Neflix on site at the moment is "American Gangster"). I started to agree and put the bike on the trainer, then looked outside again and decided that since the pavement was dry and it wasn't actually raining, I shouldn't be a pansy...just buck up and go. I left the gray bike on the trainer in case I had to abort the outdoor mission partway through and headed out about 10:00. My legs were tired within the first half hour which is how it seems to be every Saturday...I guess I'm just getting used to biking on tired legs. It was windy in a few places, but fortunately, I got the tailwind in the 2nd half of the ride...and it never rained. I went over Mercer Island the long way, around the south end, and did an extra back-and-forth down on Lake Washington Blvd. between Mt. Baker beach and Seward Park to get closer to the 50 miles I was supposed to do. I got just over 48 and am going to "Hot Flash" later, so I figure I'll dance enough to equal that last 1.6 miles! I'm beat. The regular Saturday crap TV (and Denzel) is still here for the recovery... a few hours of laying on the floor before going out to dance sounds pretty great at this point!

3 months from today is the HoNu Half Ironman!

48.3 miles
Avg HR = 121
Max HR = 160

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