Tuesday, March 18, 2008

No Car Tuesday

Today was a bike day and I did some intervals on the trainer early this morning...a good workout and I'd taped "Black Magic"on ESPN (documentary about the history of African Americans in basketball), so I had something interesting to watch. Afterwards, I realized that I didn't have any meetings out of the office today and had enough time to walk to work...yea! I do realize that many (more) responsible (than me) citizens walk or bus to work daily, but it still feels like a cool and uncommon thing to me. It was a nice morning and a good walk downtown with the ipod. Looking forward to walking home, too, unless it starts dumping rain and planning to walk to a meeting tonight, too, making for an entire day without starting the car. Got in the weights at lunchtime.

Bike intervals (up to about 147-150 HR on each hard interval):

2o minute warm up

5x 2 minutes hard/1 minute recovery

2x 4 minutes hard/2 minutes recovery

3x 1 minute hard/1 minute recovery

Total: 1:00

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