Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Return of the bad neighbor

That'd be me. Based on the last under-the-door note from my (hopefully former) downstairs neighbor a few weeks ago, she should have moved out of my building over the weekend. I have maintained legal noise behavior for several weeks, so I figured I better stake my territory and get my squatter's rights ASAP in case someone new has moved in down I did a workout on the bike trainer yesterday morning at about 6:15. When I got home last night, there were no notes under the door and no visible crankiness via any other medium, so I'm hoping the coast is clear...might be too soon to tell, though. Anyway, it was an interval bike day. I wasn't at 100% on the enthusiasm scale (legs felt a bit tired from the hills on Monday), but I got in a bunch of 1 minute and 2-minute intervals, all with 1-minute recovery in between. By the end of the hour, I was bored and done, so I cut it about 4 minutes short of an hour. Got in the regular weights later in the day.

Yesterday afternoon I got to schmooze with Greg LeMond and John Curley for a while...we (OK, they...but I got to be there) did a story for tonight's Evening Magazine TV show about the event I manage, the Tour de Cure, and featured LeMond and Curley on some LeMond spin bikes. It was cool to hang out with them and talk about training, triathlons, etc....and listen to them talk about gear, bikes, geometry, and aero position....Curley has some custom bike shoes he is very excited about... when I heard how much they are worth, I was thinking, "Holy crap, I know people who don't pay that much for their BIKE, much less the shoes..." Anyway, a great afternoon and the segment on the show tonight should be a good pitch for us.

Swimming kicked my ass this morning...Mackenzie and Anna took turns leading us into oxygen debt and I think that workout might be all for me today...I'm debating on doing an outdoor ride at lunchtime, but might bag it since I've been invited to a spin class tomorrow at Seattle Fitness.

Yesterday's bike intervals:

15 min warm up

Intervals: Got HR up to 150 bpm on all of these

1 min hard/1 min recovery
1 min hard/easy
2 min hard/1 min easy
2 min hard/1 min easy
1 min hard/1 min easy
2 min hard/1 min easy
2 min hard/1 min easy
1 min hard/1 min easy

27 minutes moderate

56 minutes total
Avg HR = 131

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