Monday, March 31, 2008

Tempo run...bring it!

OK, I'm starting to really like Mondays...I'm not sure why (well, I have a few theories, none of which can really be proven), but they've been great training days for the last few weeks.

This morning we were, thankfully, back in the pool at Seattle U for swim team...a little variety last week was good, but it was nice to be back in the usual routine. Shared a lane with Julie and Karen and altered the workout written on the board as we pleased, like usual. Good swim.

I had to go to Nuun to pick up some product for a TDC promotion thing later tonight, so I had the perfect window of opportunity to go to Greenlake at lunchtime while I was out to do my tempo run. I haven't done a tempo run in a long time and I was a little nervous about it, but thought/hoped I might be able to crank out some decent speed. Fortunately I was right. I did a warm up mile then hit it hard for 3 miles...and was very happily surprised to see that my time for the 3 miles was 23 minutes flat...holy smokes, that's a 7:40 pace!! WHOOP!! Floated through a mile of cooldown on happy fumes and kept looking back at the splits on the Garmin to be sure I wasn't hallucinating when I got done. I had to call Cheryl when I hopped in the car because I was so psyched...then went to Nuun and got some samples of a not-yet-released flavor coming soon to a plastic tube near you!

3000 yards

1 mile warm up: 9:05
3 miles tempo: 23:00 (Avg HR = 161)
1 mile cool down: 9:02 (Avg HR = 147)

5 miles


seujan said...

Congrats on a great run! You are getting fast, fast :)


Anonymous said...

Good JOB and not a honorable mention of the hip. That is impressive on all accounts.