Monday, March 10, 2008

Who cares about saving daylight?

I'm ALMOST done being cranky about daylight saving time...but not quite yet. What a stupid deal...give up an hour of sleep and return to dark mornings...oh, and jack up your VCR and miscellaneous other appliances. How can anyone think any of these are good ideas?? Augh. Well, the good news is that I read in yesterday's paper that the sunrise will be back to about 6:30 a.m. by the first weekend in April. I suppose I'll live till then. took me a while to recover from the over-tired I felt after Saturday's long ride...I was still pretty wiped out a lot of yesterday. Cheryl and I reevaluated this week's training schedule, scaling down some of the speed work and next Saturday's long ride to give me a little bit of a recovery week....I do think I need it. I was back in action today, though, and feeling pretty good...swam this morning and did a run (aerobic, nice) at lunchtime. Today's forgotten item was the sports bra...discovered in the locker room. But I was yet again saved by the emergency pack in my car (though it did require a detour and a little public nudity in the parking garage on my way out of the gym to go for my run...).

4.4 miles
Avg HR = 145ish

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those lucky other patrons in the parking garage.