Thursday, March 13, 2008

Still cranky about daylight savings

I will try to make this my last rant about the stupid time change...but I was a little cranky heading out in the damn dark again this morning for my long run. I drove down to Boyer again and did the Boyer + Lake Union combo to get the mileage in. It was drizzly, but not too bad and there actually was a little daylight by the last couple of miles. The birds also woke up partway through and I noticed some of the trees and flowers are starting to smell like's gonna happen. I went 9 miles today and the hip felt good (hamstring still doesn't, but I think that's just going to be a permanent thing...). I kept a decent, but not killer pace and I averaged something like a 9:04 mile which is pretty good for me on a run of that distance...I was happy with it. No other workouts on the schedule today, but will try to walk around a bit when I can as the legs are a little stiff...

9 mile run
Avg HR = 137

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get a headlamp!