Thursday, April 17, 2008

If you lived here, you'd be home now...

So here's how the last 3 days have felt: Tuesday I was hit by a truck. Wednesday the same truck backed up and hit me again. This morning, just to make sure I was flattened, the same truck ran over me again. I'd like to think that the truck is now driving out of town so I can pick myself up off the pavement. OK, OK, a little over-dramatic, but hey, this is my blog and part of its purpose is for me to whine.

Today was long run day...I went to bed (on a full stomach, oof) at 9:00, woke up before the alarm, and felt OK. I didn't really know what my route was going to be, but I did know I was NOT going to run from the Shoebox and do that damn hill at the end, a decision I was very happy to have made 2 hours later. I drove down to Boyer/23rd and started by running about 5:35 a.m. I started down Boyer with no traffic and a lot of very enthusiastic birds chirping...over the bridge, toward UW on the BG trail, up into UW for a quick tour of the quad, back to the trail...then I realized how close I was to Ravenna Park. Cool. So I went up the Ravenna Park trails to Cown Park...and then realized how close I was to Greenlake and started calculating mileage in my head. I thought if I did the long side of Greenlake and down Stone Way, it'd be about right (oops, shoulda done the short side). By the time I got to Greenlake (6ish miles), I was thinking that maybe I should re-consider doing Olympic Distance races instead of Half Ironmans...this was just seeming really long already. Kind of like those signs on new buildings that say, "If you lived here, you'd be home now!" a 6-mile run would've been just fine today. But, too late, entry fees have been paid and I know I will not feel this tired ALL the, I was out there with no other way to get back, so of course, I kept on going. Turns out I under-estimated the distance and hit the 12 mile mark about 1.25 miles away from my car giving me an opportunity (well, necessity) for extra credit...exactly what I did not want this morning. Oh, well. I decided to practice the run/walk thing and did 1 minute run/1 minute walk that last 1.25 miles and that was much better.

Today's beverage selection was Clif Electolyte Cran-Raspberry flavor. Not bad...less syrupy than the Cytomax I tried a couple of weeks ago...might use it again.

Tomorrow will be swim-only and I have to work all day Saturday...something I am completely dreading, but will force a rest day that may be a gift from the universe and give me a little more recovery before Sunday's bike workout.

Long Run:

12 miles: 1:54:16
Avg HR = 136

1.25 walk/run: 14:00
Avg HR = 121

13.25 miles

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