Friday, April 18, 2008


TGIF. I can still see the taillights of that truck I mentioned yesterday, but I don't think they are coming back toward me...and I might actually be up off the figurative pavement by tomorrow. At the moment, I'm still pretty wiped. Did the usual swim team (3000 yards) this morning and weights at lunch, and am committed to getting a nap before going out with Stacey, Shane, Duncan, and Julie tonight...It's a pre-birthday thing for both Duncan and me and should be fun, but I may need a little extra caffeine to rally since the show we're going to see starts at about the time I usually go to sleep...!

I can tell that I'm 4 weeks out now from the Tour de Cure and closing...I slept like crap last night and at 4:45 a.m. was thinking about the changes that need to be made to the Porto Potty order...yup, I can tell I'm within a month of the event.

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