Again this morning, I was not done sleeping when the alarm went off...8 hours really isn't a big enough helping of sleep lately. Once I got moving and pushed myself to the pool, though, swimming was good as always...just Sue and me in the lane this morning and I got in 3,200 yards.
The other thing on today's schedule was running hill repeats...10 of them, 90 seconds each...and I can't say I was exactly looking forward to this one. I was out and about for a meeting, so I went to Greenlake to run. I started by Peet's Coffee and ran over to the the hill behind the tennis courts/track at Lower Woodland...and it just so happened that the paved hill by the dog park is exactly a 90-second hill for me; how painfully fortuitous. I did 5 hills, then did a half mile loop run to try to re-install the lung I felt I'd lost on the first set (and to settle the peanut butter burps I was experiencing from the sandwich 2 hours prior)...then did 5 more. After #9, I had to say out loud, "one F-ing more..." I felt like I was falling apart, but the distance covered and HR was pretty consistent for all 10. It was sunny and about 60 degrees--quite a nice day--so I did my planks and lunges in the grass by the ball fields, got myself a soy latte for recovery, and came back to work blasting my radio with the windows open. This workout was not fun, but I kept thinking that it should pay off in the Kirkland Half Marathon since it's a hilly course.
9 min warm up (just over a mile)
5 x 90 second hills (all .17 - .18 mile and 152-159 Avg HR, hit upper 160s on each)
.6 mile
5x 90 second hills (all .17 - .18 mile and 154 - 160 Avg HR, hit upper 160s on each)
9:30 cool down (1.1 mile)
Total: 6 miles
Avg HR = 149
Max HR - 170
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