Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Low energy Tuesday

I slept in a little today...I did NOT want to get up and did NOT want to get on the bike trainer. But auto-pilot took over and I did both, though neither with much gusto. Fortunately, the bike workout was just an hour aerobic with no bells & whistles and I could just watch TV...and look across the Shoebox at the coffee maker which served as the finish line. Didn't have the time or the enthusiasm for walking to work/no-car Tuesday today and kept daydreaming all morning about where I might be able to wedge a nap into the day...still thinking that maybe it could happen in the dentist chair when I get my teeth cleaned later this afternoon. I lifted weights at lunch and started feeling a little more energy after that (and lunch), but am glad there are no more workouts today. I have a Bikeworks board meeting tonight and am hoping it ends on time so I can be in bed early.

Bike trainer:
Avg HR = 124

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